Well, this week they got their very own Facebook page. Tuck and Ginger, our Cats On The Run are delighted with themselves as they have received nearly 100 likes. I wonder will they still remember us and their lowly beginnings when they are flying on their private jet between the pool of Chateau Marmont and the ski slopes of Gstaad…

But it does raise the question when it comes to social media for writers…how much do we really need, and how much is too much? The most commercially-successful authors out there tend to have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and websites with blogs as a minimum, often for each book or series of books. For those independent authors amongst us who don’t have the support of a Publishing House and therefore lack the resources (human, time or funds) to run such well-timed, constructed, and integrated campaigns, it begs the question – where should we draw the line? So how is everyone doing it, and how can we claw (no pun intended) back some time in our daily lives for the truly creative stuff…?  (comments function to be added imminently!)