It feels a little weird to be typing this on a blog about all things ‘indie publishing’, but I’m currently dipping my toe in the pool of traditional publishing and submitting my manuscript and synopsis for Headland to one or two of the larger Publishing Houses here in Australia.

The file was ready to go to the printers for self-publishing after multiple drafts, proof/copy edits. And then it occurred to me – why not see if there’s any interest from the traditional Publishers out there? Time will tell.

It’s been a useful exercise, either way, and I now have a tight synopsis (300 words exactly!), a formatted manuscript, and an author bio which I can use again in the future.

Either someone will snap me up or I’ll self-publish the Bill Murdoch series myself – but one way or the other Headland will be coming to a bookstore near you soon!

Wish me luck – and stay tuned…